
Below are some resources we have found useful or inspiring.

We are always looking to add to this list so get in touch to suggest any you have found.

A handy tool to keep in your pocket.

The familiar visuals help to demonstrate the impact of anaesthetic vapor use in an easily accessible way.

A whole host of resources and information from the Royal College of Anaesthesia


E-learning that covers the environment and sustainability learning outcomes on the curriculum

We love the simplicity of the Association of Anaesthetist's 5 main ways to reduce the impact of your anaesthetic practice.

Explore their website for more great links and case studies to find out what others are doing.

A great reminder that our potential to make positive change extends beyond turning off a vaporiser!

A great case study from University Hospitals Bristol Trust highlighting changes made to reduce anaesthetic gas use.

Sustainable healthcare examples, resources and support for all specialties

Hosts of the excellent recent conference GASPCoN21.

Check out the GASP website for information on environmental impact projects currently underway, educational section and information on how to start projects.

Guidelines produced by the Association of Anaesthetists and the Society of Intravenous Anaesthesia.

Essential reading for all TIVA users.

SIVA provide resources and education about  intravenous anaesthesia.

Keep an eye out for their annual ASM. The virtual event in 2021 was jam packed with presentations about TIVA and beyond.

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